Diana from Lights Out

“Lights Out” is a horror movie that premiered in 2016 and quickly became a favorite of horror fans worldwide. The movie follows the story of a family that is haunted …

Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok is a superhero action-adventure comedy film directed by Taika Waititi and written by Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle, and Christopher L. Yost. It is the third installment in Marvel’s …


Predators is a science fiction action film directed by Nimrod Antal and written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch. It is the third film in the Predator franchise, or fifth …

The Time Machine

The Time Machine is a 2002 science fiction action-adventure film, not to be confused with the 1960 film of the same name. Both films are based on the 1895 novel …

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, alternatively Episode VII, is the seventh entry in the Star Wars movie franchise. It was directed by J.J. Abrams, and written by Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan …

Lights Out

Lights Out is a supernatural horror film directed by David F. Sandberg and written by Eric Heisserer. The film received positive reviews from critics after its release in 2016, and …

Tokyo Drift

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift is an action film written by Chris Morgan and directed by Justin Lin. While it is part of the Fast & Furious franchise, …

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko is a 2001 American science fiction psychological thriller film written and directed by Richard Kelly. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as the title character, a troubled teenager who …


Avatar is a 2009 science fiction adventure film directed and written by James Cameron. The film’s large budget of 237 million US dollars makes it one of the most expensive …

The Queen’s Gambit

The Queen’s Gambit is a Netflix period drama miniseries based on a novel of the same name written by Walter Tevis. Its screenplay was written by Scott Frank, who is …